“Stop! Your search is finally over.” That was the same feeling I had once I spent 10 mins with Gregg as my new guitar instructor. I have been going to Gregg now weekly for a number of months. His instruction style / method is customized to you the guitarist. He does place the right amount of emphasis on technique (finger strengthening/chord training, etc.) , this includes homework. The 40 min session goes by quickly, most of that is because you’re having fun! Before every session ends, Gregg goes over my practice sheet and confirms that I feel comfortable. This is priceless for a student learning on his/her own time to maximize out of classroom practices.
Bottom Line: I have not only noticed that my skills have increased 3-4 fold over the last nine months, but everyone who has watched/listen to me play is amazed with my progress. Like any activity or hobby, you get out of it what you put into it! Gregg is a wonder guide and instructor but the learning and practicing is on me!
Lastly, I highly recommend DC Guitar Lessons if you’re interested in learning how to play guitar or taken your current skill set to the next level!